Breaking Royal News: Meghan Markle ‘Blocked’ From Returning To the UK
Back in September, this story was making the rounds. “Meghan Markle and Prince Harry ‘request a meeting with the Queen’ — leaving Royal aides stunned by ‘sheer nerve’ of request months after Oprah.”
“Royal aides have been left stunned by the ‘sheer nerve’ of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle after they asked for a meeting with Queen.”
“The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are reportedly hoping to introduce the Queen to their daughter Lilibet, who was born earlier this year on June 4.”
“The source told the publication: ‘Harry and Meghan have made this offer but a lot of people are shocked by the sheer nerve of it. They may genuinely want to see Queen but it’s breath-taking given what they’ve ‘put her through’ this year.”
“The olive branch from Harry and Meghan comes as furious palace aides are hunting for the source behind the ‘deeply disturbing’ leak of top secret plans that are to be enacted when the Queen dies.”
Keep in mind that royal reporter Camilla Tominey was going on about Harry and Meghan having a private christening in the UK and also snubbing the UK by having the christening in the USA. But what was really happening? Royal aides were blocking them from seeing Queen Elizabeth.
Remember as always #CamillaTomineyIsALiar
What was also happening? There was this weird story: “PRINCE HARRY and Meghan Markle are “desperate” to arrange a meeting with the Queen, according to royal experts, who claim the couple needs to keep up their royal connection for their US fanbase.”
OLI SMITH Sat, Sep 11, 2021
Clearly a desperate story to twist the narrative and/or the British media doesn’t understand Americans.
Reminder: While the British media was going on about snubs and christenings, what was really happening? “Reports Palace ‘ignored Harry and Meghan request to meet Queen and introduce Lilibet’
So while people were criticizing Harry and Meghan for not visiting, what was really happening? “‘Sheer nerve’ of HARRY AND MEGHAN plans to visit UK in weeks ‘shocks Palace’”. Clearly Harry and Meghan wanted to schedule some family time but were being blocked. Then palace aides leaked this story in order to hurt them.
Again Harry and Meghan are trying to arrange a meeting in September. What else was happening? This story was published “Prince Charles Is Reportedly “Incredibly Sad” He Hasn’t Met His Granddaughter Lilibet” BY EMILY KIRKPATRICK SEPTEMBER 15, 2021
Clearly, these royal experts are liars. “Prince Charles is apparently distraught that he has yet to meet his son Prince Harry’s second child, and his fifth grandchild, Lilibet Diana.”
But why is Prince Charles distraught but also allowing royal staff to block Harry and Meghan from arranging a meeting? Also why did this article mention next summer as a more ideal time for everyone to meet? Why is that time more important than now?
According to the article, it offers “the perfect opportunity to introduce the infant to her grandparents and for the two families to mend fences.”
But the only thing of major importance to the royal family is the Queen Elizabeth’s jubilee celebration. Why delay this meeting till Queen Elizabeth’s jubilee celebration? Why are palace aides and Prince Charles doing this?
Also why is Robert Jobson lying? “Meghan Markle may not make an appearance across the pond until the dust finally settles following her 2020 exit, according to royal commentator Robert Jobson.
Is Jobson really saying that palace aides will block Meghan from meeting with Queen Elizabeth? “I’m not sure Meghan will ever come to Britain again,” September 21. “She’s not popular [right] now.” Again in September.
Clearly Meghan is fine with coming back to the UK. But Harry and Meghan are busy people. So they wanted to arrange a meeting. So it’s not ‘popularity’ stopping Meghan Markle from arranging a visit to the UK.
Please note: Meghan Markle is the most popular royal according to online research and only a royal reporter would make such an immature comment.
But what is really happening? Palace aides are blocking Harry and Meghan from visiting Queen Elizabeth.
But who is instructing these palace aides?