Meghan Markle Targeted By Online Trolls

Royal Reporter
3 min readSep 7, 2021


There are a group of people dedicated to following Meghan Markle’s life and work.

These people have spent years of their lives researching Meghan Markle but claim not to be her fans.

They track everything Meghan Markle does and are the first to comment on posts if she is mentioned.

Who are these people? Online trolls.

These online trolls post inflammatory statements in order to provoke a response or to manipulate others’ perception.

But how do you know if someone is an online troll or is a person posting a fair critic of Meghan Markle?

Unfortunately, it is very easy to spot the difference.

Online trolls are different because they will usually do the following: (Please note: this is not a complete list.)

  1. Search online for any posts about Meghan Markle in order to post an inflammatory comment
  2. Post misogynic and sexist comments about Meghan Markle on social media platforms
  3. Create multiple accounts dedicated to making racist comments about Meghan Markle because she is black
  4. Spend time photoshopping images of Meghan Markle
  5. Make vague unspecific comments about Meghan Markle’s ‘behaviour’ without posting any evidence to support their claims
  6. Actively harass people and organizations on social media that support and/or work with Meghan Markle
  7. Create stories about Meghan Markle’s past, present, and future. Despite the fact she has a documented history, information on her current life and work is limited, and the future is unknown

But why are these people following Meghan Markle?

In 2017, Meghan Markle was described by Henry Mance as being the following:

Meghan Markle: a breath of fresh air for the royal family. Mixed-race, divorced and American, the actress promises to be an unconventional bride

Apparently, the online trolls feel the same way about Meghan Markle.

Based on my research, the online trolls are attracted by her intelligence, work ethic, success, fashion, and beauty.

But they are also threatened by these attributes. So in order to compensate, online trolls spend their time trying to destroy her.

Or these online trolls attempt to create social media platforms in order to make money off of Meghan Markle.

However, in the process of trying to destroy her, these online trolls have levitated her.

If you were not aware, there are consequences to spending so much time online spreading Meghan Markle’s name.

These consequences include the fact that the name ‘Meghan Markle’ is now known to people who may never have heard of her without these online trolls.

How is that possible?

It is possible because on social media, algorithms are used to sort posts in a users’ feed based on relevancy instead of publish time.

Social media platforms prioritize which content a user sees in their feed first by the likelihood that they’ll actually want to see it.

So online trolls are increasing Meghan Markle relevancy and making the likelihood that more people will see posts about her. But these posts can be positive, neutral, or negative.

However, these online trolls have supporters. Despite posting vile comments, they have become friends with royal reporters.

Why is it an issue when some royal reporters interact and support people that dislike Meghan Markle?

While it is natural not to like everyone, royal reporters that spread misinformation from online trolls are dangerous.

There is an incorrect perception that royal reporters have credibility over the life and work Meghan Markle. When in fact royal reporters have no access to Meghan Markle.

Hence, why it is so important to limit the influence of royal reporters.

Royal reporters that support online trolls should be blocked on social media and their articles should not be clicked on. Stop the profit from hate.

But a quick reminder: There is no legal obligation for any of these online trolls to follow Meghan Markle. If you dislike someone, there is no reason to follow their life and work.

On social media, is it very easy to ignore someone.

Online trolls can mute the words ‘Meghan Markle’, ‘Princess Meghan’, ‘ Queen Meghan’, or ‘Duchess of Sussex’ and block accounts that post about her.

If online trolls did all those things, it would reduce the likelihood of them hearing about Meghan Markle again.

But instead, these online trolls are choosing to dedicate their lives to Meghan Markle.

Despite the fact that Meghan Markle will never know who any of these people are and that their opinion of her doesn’t matter.



Royal Reporter
Royal Reporter

Written by Royal Reporter

Freelance writer and journalist with a passion for telling stories about the royal family and royal reporters.

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